
Use your existing email account with the new email address <YourName>@USMail.Army (For Example: The email account you will use on a regular basis is, while the short and professional address YourName@USMail.Army will be used for receiving and sending mail.)

The use of your email is entirely up to your email provider, such as Google Mail, Microsoft Outlook, or Yahoo Mail. I have no access to your email and will not store it.

Send an e-mail to Email@USMail.Army or complete the form below if you would like to register your desired email address.

Once you receive my reply, please follow the instructions below to set up your email account. Wait for my reply before setting up since I have to set up my side first. Since I have been extremely busy, please be patient when waiting for my response.

Setup your Gmail account: Click here.

Setup your Outlook account: Click here.

Setup your Yahoo account: Click here.